Friday, June 5, 2009

Little Green Men


wants to know if there's anyone out there!


For many many nights I've stood out there beneath the stars,
Willing the Little Green Men to come and visit me from Mars.
I've even said the words out loud ' I'm receptive!'! Well I am!
But all those extraterrestrial 'things' just couldn't give a damn!
'Come on, Angels!' I've whispered low, 'If you're there just give a sign!',
But nary a flutter of angel wings disturbs this life of mine.
Another phrase has been 'Come on! I'm here so come and get me!'
But of all the ghosts and ethereal things not one has ever met me!
'Meet me half-way' I crossly say 'I'm ready! Why aren't you?
I just don't think you're trying! You're just not breaking through!'
I long to be a channel, or funnel, or whatever;
Then I'd appear all spiritual, unusual and clever.
I long to get messages from the dead, so I could then transmit them
And then the recipients would gape and wonder what had hit them!
I feel just like a radio that no-one has turned on!
And, as I'm old, my chances will very soon be gone!
So I'll give up the idea of meeting Little Green Men, I think;
I'll simply have to just make-do with one that's vaguely pink!

A little space theory here:


quilly said...

LOL! Thanks for the smile!

Melli said...

LOL! Good he's still pink!

Kat said...

ha ha.. it took some time for me to undertand what you meant in the last line..!!!

I'll simply have to just make-do with one that's vaguely pink!

reading the poem, probably it'd make the pink one turn Green :)))