Sunday, June 7, 2009


suggested this.

When I was a child I had a game that was very simple really,
It had instructions with it one could follow very clearly.
It consisted of a set of beads, set out in boxes neatly,
And a board with holes to fill with beads. I understood completely.
The idea was to make a picture just taking, one by one,
Beads to fill in waiting holes till a little scene was done.
Maybe a pretty flower or a cottage or a star;
Maybe a little dolly or a boxy motor-car.
I followed the instructions; I did just three or four,
And then I found the concept an unmitigated bore!
I hated all the pictures that helped me get it right;
If I'd known the words I might have said 'This game is rather trite.'
So I tipped the beads into the lid, all muddled, willy-nilly, 
Though Mother said she thought that I was being very silly.
Then I sat with the box upon my knee, swaying in all directions,
Finding that I'd made-up a game I could have called 'Intersections'.
There was Billy Blue and Polly Pink, one left and one far right,
And they had to meet and fall in love, naturally 'at first sight'.
So I simply sat and swayed the lid and the beads sort of swirled around,
And by judicious movements I could play God, so I found.
After quite a while the lovers met (without a consummation!)
And then I swayed a little more so that, to their consternation,
The lovers were rudely swept apart to mix with the madding crowd.
And I sat feeling evil and, perhaps, a little proud!
I found this game enthralling; it gave me a sense of power!
I could play that 'Intersections' game gladly hour after hour.
And still, though adult, I'm enthralled with Fate and ways of meeting,
How some relationships may thrive and some are very fleeting.
But the sense of power has left me; I no longer give directions:
I'm just another helpless cog in the game of Intersections.

The perils of meeting, here:


Patty said...

Sounds like one of the games our kids had, called a Lite Brite. It had a light bulb under the black screen with the holes to push in the little colored pegs. Came with some heets with pre-drawn designs, or the kid could figure one out themselves. Kept our one daughter busy for hours. LOL The other kids didn't care much for it.

dot said...

I agree with Patty that is sounds like lite brite.

Kat said...

How smart to have invented the "intersections" game, at that age. Your Mom must've thought that you're playing silly.

Had she known the concept of your new found game....

There was Billy Blue and Polly Pink, one left and one far right,
And they had to meet and fall in love, naturally 'at first sight'.
So I simply sat and swayed the lid and the beads sort of swirled around,
And by judicious movements I could play God, so I found.
After quite a while the lovers met (without a consummation!)
And then I swayed a little more so that, to their consternation,
The lovers were rudely swept apart to mix with the madding crowd.
And I sat feeling evil and, perhaps, a little proud!
