Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kissing Frogs!


Oh! How I needed this book when I was grassy green!
A frog is better than nothing when you fancy being a Queen!
At least a frog could prove that you really had what it took!
But, oh, it would have been helpful to have owned this little book!
No-one minds kissing lots of frogs if a Prince is on his way,
But kissing frogs and frogs and frogs , day after day after day........
Not that I was promiscuous! But I was out to prove
That my still-blossoming sex-appeal was really in the groove!
('The groove!' Oh dear, a by-gone phrase is giving the game away.
Yes, as I've heard the witty declare, 'I wasn't born yesterday!')
How awful if not even 'frogs' asked one to purse ones lips!
To be rejected by a frog would mean one had had ones chips!
Nobody turned into a 'Prince', though I tried time and again.
Luckily, between 'Princes' and 'frogs' one can find some very nice men!


My word!
Big Bird!
Max and Blake!
Double take!
We had to stop
Outside the shop.
Nice fellow!
Very yellow.

P.S. Please visit  for something extra!

1 comment:

Fay Campbell said...

Love your groove, Girl! How fun!