Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thoroughly Modern Rinkly!

My son, Greg, has, at last, persuaded me to use Skype! ( All right, I've been slow!)


I resisted!

Greg insisted!

True to type!

The time was ripe!

I said 'Why?'

He said 'Try!'

I gave in!

Couldn't win!

I said 'How?'

Greg said 'Now!'

When I looked

I was hooked.

I'm on Skype,

Lots of hype.

I'll need make-up

When I wake-up!

I'll be seen

On the screen!

No more scruff

Sure enough!

Great big smile

All the while!

Can I cope?

I must hope.

Will my vision

Cause derision?

Would it be better

To write a letter

With, perhaps,

Some flattering snaps?





Jinksy said...

If I had Skype, I might need to keep a large paper bag handy to go over the head when 'not at home' syndrome struck...

Reader Wil said...

That's a coincidence! My daughter persuaded me to take skype the day before yesterday! But nobody can see me, only hear! Some one in Australia, a friend of my daughter's rang me after seeing that I was on skype. It's easy and much cheaper. Great poem Brenda!

Marie Reed said...

I just starting skyping with my Mom too! It's sooo nice to actually see her face! I can almost feel her hug when I see her on the screen! A letter can't compare to SEEING my Mommy! I'm glad that your son insisted!

Margaret Gosden said...

Another coincidence? Wonderful. Now try saying that in three lines of 5-7-5 syllables, or thereabouts! I don't think haiku has to be just about nature, do you?

Elizabeth said...

Couldn't manage skype when we lived in Morocco
too weak an internet service.
Will have to try again in NY

Kat said...

A teenager would envy you..
You have technology at your finger tips..!!!
Congrats :)))