Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Floral Messages


The thesis is written, the brain is washed clean,
The students rejoice in some fun on the green.
I'll wear a hibiscus displayed in my hair!
What else would a beautiful girl want to wear?
But where's the right flower? Oh this one will do!
Which ear shall I choose? I just haven't a clue.
But my skin is all creamy, my hair has a sheen,
I'm as young and as Springlike as any girl's been.
Now don't spoil it for me by being pedantic!
Not now when I'm feeling relaxed and romantic!
A flower on the left sends a message, you say,
That a girl hopes a new love is coming her way.
Well, that's for hibiscus! This flower of mine
Is a totally opposite sort of a sign!
My flower is saying my loved-one is true,
And I wont be looking for anyone new!


Unknown said...

This is beautiful! I actually teared up. This lovely daughter of mine has had many, many challenges. I think that's why. But lately she is charmed. And I am blessed to have her. Thank you again and again for this. I'm so glad my photograph inspired it.

I will be showing this to my daughter when she is home this summer.

With much appreciation and respect for your talent,

Winifred said...

It's a delightful photo and what a charming poem you've written.

Kat said...

a pretty looking girl wearing a cute flower.

Indian girlfolks too are fond of wearing flowers in their plaits.
Poem will be handy to decipher the message, they put forth :))