Thursday, May 7, 2009



This photograph arrived in a letter from a friend.
It was a thoughtful gesture, and good of her to send.
Patrick must now be twenty and he's just graduated,
Obviously his mother, Liz, is very much elated.
But, in all the family excitement, she thought to send to me
A memento of the occasion merely because, you see,
I taught Patrick when he was five, and starting out at school
And she felt I gave him a good start; taught him the Golden Rule.
That may all be very well, but the benefit that is his
Is the fact that he has a mother as thoughtful as my friend Liz.

(I'm not sure what The Golden Rule is but it rhymed!)

1 comment:

Kat said...

Congrats to Patrick....!!

Probably the Golden rule is - to remember the ladders which help one climb up in life..!!!!