Young women were advised to gather…….'a key, a ring, a flower, a sprig of willow, a small piece of cake, a crust of bread, 10 of clubs, 9 of hearts, ace of spades, and ace of diamonds.' They were told to wrap these in a handkerchief and place it under their pillow, and to say, upon going to bed, the opening lines of my poem.
"Luna, every woman's friend,
To me thy goodness condescend.
Let me this night in visions see,
Emblems of my destiny."
I have gathered the gifts required.
They will lie, when I've retired,
Under my pillow safe and sure
Held in a handkerchief, secure.
The Harvest Moon will float above
Bringing glorious dreams of love.
The ace of Diamonds or the Ring
Are sure romantic thoughts to bring.
But if I dream of Cake or Bread
There'll be successful work instead.
Flowers portend domestic joys.
Birds? Many children, girls and boys.
Diamonds mean money, Keys great power.
Dream of Storms? A torrential shower.
The ten of Clubs means life abroad,
Willow means love goes overboard.
Dream of Geese I'll marry twice.
But the ace of Spades is not too nice!
It stands for Death so I fear the warning:
I may not be alive by morning!
All this leads me a merry dance!
I'd rather leave the lot to chance!"
You'll be alive by morning, regardless and for a very long time, for your spirit is a part of those of us who love your beautiful writing.
I have been meaning to mention to you how much I enjoy the music on your blog.
I always get a large smile on my face when I come visit you.
Bear((( )))
I wasn't sure which blog to post this on but that is fine to post my duck photo with your poem. Just post my link with it. Thanks for asking.
This was a wonderful post, indeed.
ALso, I don't know if you are interested or not or if you have ever seen a Pileated Woodpecker, but I posted one on My Birds Blog this morning. It is our largest woodpecker and this is the first one I have seen here in 46 years.
I think this is a magical poem for some hoped for magic.
Great ending. And so true.
I once had my palm read. She got it wrong.
You've added a mystical touch, to the age old belief..!!!
The concluding line is the best to tow - Leave things to happen, what's the fun in knowing in advance?
Must have been Cake or Bread for this Good Jobno - no Ace of Spades - you came up Trumps with this.
Oh, what a delightful poem! Signs and portents, willows and flowers and geese -- makes me want to dance. :)
Mystical rhymes!
Is this a legend? Whatever the truth to it, I really enjoyed this poem. The sense of being overwhelmed and confused is very potent, to the point where indeed you might ask 'Why bother with it all?' :)
a secret of knowing....
god bless u....
legend has a way of touching young girls thought.....
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