Sunday, June 5, 2011

Slatted Sunshine



The winter sun, low in the sky,
Not summer-hot as in days gone by,
Comes slatting in to lie and laze,
Exhausted by its summer blaze.



How can anything unreal express such energy and verve?
How can anything metallic be so vibrant and so warm?
How can we see beneath the skin each tendon and each nerve?
How can rippling muscles show in a purely static form?
The front leg, full of power, seems to point the way ahead.
The back leg moves in unison just like a living spring!
The shadows made by muted light that's shining overhead
Make the elevation seem a very true and certain thing.
Once long ago in China a craftsman made this horse
Which can gallop on through all eternity.
Such a wonderful example of pure energy and force.
How glad I am that I have eyes to see!


Marian said...

very nice! and love that photo, that sun will keep you warm.

stopping by to say: As Poets United reaches its first anniversary this coming week we want to thank you for your support. Over the past year we have grown to 250 members plus and are steadily growing. Poets United is proud to have you as one of our members and look forward to another successful year. Your imagination, creativity and willingness to share with us is what makes our community such a wonderful place. Thank you for beautiful poetry and thank you for being a part of Poets United.

Angie said...

Love those shots, cold nights here but the sun is out today.

Lynette Killam said...

Both lovely pieces...I do like to see the sun pouring in through slotted blinds, though we haven't had much of that here in Vancouver lately...:)

Madeleine Begun Kane said...

I stopped by to congratulate you for your Honorable Mention in last week's Limerick-Off: Limerick of the Week 12.

Nice job!

Rajlakshmi said...

lovely shadow shot and a nice rhyme to go with...
well penned.

Ms. Becky said...

soothing shadows. and I love your verses about the metal horse. nicely done. happy SSS.

Margaret Gosden said...

Yes, as you say, side by side! I enjoy your own
illustrated rimes!

Lighthousegal said...

Shadows and Rhymes go so well together.
I do love to see the sun peaking through the blinds and you have captured it very well. Your photo seems to be saying "Good Morning"!Along with a very energetic little horse.
Thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

lovely shadows!

via SSS

Light Trigger

RNSANE said...

Your photos are great but it's your poetry that never fails to impress me beyond belief!

My Shadow Shot Sunday is at:

Have a wonderful week ahead!

Carmen in California