Monday, July 13, 2009

Zesty Beet!


The very word 'zest' is a tasty word;
It makes the taste-buds sing.
And the salad I'm now suggesting
Adds to zest some zing.
Take one small bunch of beetroot,
Wash it and then peel.
Do not think of cooking it
Or it will lose it's raw appeal.
Grate the beetroot very finely,
And put it on one side.
The finer you grate it the better;
That cannot be denied.
Now you need a peeler
To remove the orange zest;
There shouldn't be a trace of pith
So you must do your best.
Cut the zest into dainty strips,
It's not too hard to do.
Then mix Beetroot and Zest with the Parsley
And you are nearly through.
Finally mix a little salt
With lemon juice and oil
And pour it over the beetroot.
Now that's not much like toil!
People will say 'What a flavour!'
And you'll know you've passed the test.
And all because you were zealous
And cooked with a bit of ZEST!

1 bunch small beetroot 1 small orange 1⁄4 cup flat-leaf parsley leaves 1 tablespoon lemon juice
1⁄3 cup fruity green extra-virgin olive oil 1⁄2 teaspoon sea salt freshly ground black pepper

Another tasty recipe here:


Dr.John said...

Now that was a tasty poem.

Darlene said...

I'm sure it's delicious, but I hate grating things so I will pass on this one. If you make it I would like and invitation, though. ;-)

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Oh, we get a poem. That's VERY creative! Thank you for the recipe and taking the time to write it this way. It's a really nice change of pace.

Both of my recipes are up, too. One on Joy of Desserts, the other on Dessert Examiner.

Have a great Sunday! :-)