Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Box

Arthur was a miser and Daisy was his wife.
He'd counted every penny and she'd had an awful life.
He was a great deal older and getting short of breath
And it became quite obvious he was approaching death.
The thought of Daisy living on with all his wealth to spend
Really got to Arthur as his life drew to an end.
'You've always done as you've been told' Arthur gasped at last,
'Listen to me, my lady, for I am fading fast.
All my money, all my gold, my stocks, my bonds, the lot,
And every bit of jewelry that, thanks to me, you've got,
Are to go into my coffin in a box there at my feet!
Now, don't forget my orders now! And don't you dare to cheat!'
Submissively, with eyes downcast, then Daisy took her leave;
Saying 'I'll obey. I always have. And you know that I will grieve.'
In due course Arthur breathed his last and his funeral day arrived,
Daisy came in deepest black; the widow who'd survived.
A large box on a cushion lay; it was carried up the aisle
By Daisy who was weeping,( but wearing a tiny smile.)
The box was placed in the coffin down right by Arthur's feet;
The lid was screwed on tightly; the ceremony complete.
At the wake, a friend of Daisy's came up to her and said
'Don't tell me you're still obedient even though old Arthur's dead!
Whatever possessed you, Daisy, to give in to his demands,
When he's been a blackguard all your lives ! No-one understands!'
Then Daisy really smiled, she laughed, The truth can now be known!
All I've done is open up a bank account of my own.
I've transferred all his wordly goods into it in my name.
He's buried with a cheque, my dear! Isn't that a shame!'

A serious look at life and death here:


quilly said...

Daisies always make me grin -- and this one did, too!

Nita Jo said...

Wonderful! Gave me quite a laugh.

George S Batty said...

leave it to a woman to come up the the plan of the day.

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, this is the very best, the very best!

Kat said...

Apart from the popular saying "women are never wrong" can add - they are pretty smart too..!!!

Stan Ski said...

The phrase 'You can't take it with you' springs to mind.

Americanising Desi said...

i agree with Quilly!

i am allll grinninggggggggggg!

Blowing Demands in the Air

Carina said...

Good for Daisy! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Good for Daisy!! This made me laugh and tell it to my husband.

Thank you for the smile

keiths ramblings said...

This is really delightful!

Thomma Lyn said...

I love this -- so much fun!

Dee Martin said...

This is awesome!!

linda may said...

Love this Brenda. She was smarter than him after all. Hahahaha.

Nanc Twop said...

''He's buried with a cheque, my dear! Isn't that a shame!''


Tom said...

he's just onery enough to cash it!

Julie said...

I first read this post of yours yesterday, Brenda. It is such a delight that I felt I owed it to come back and read it again today.


Brian Miller said...

oh too funny. hope he isnt lazarus enough to cash it...smiles.

tony said...

Daisy Boxing Clever!
Happy T.T.

PattiKen said...

Good for Daisy! You go, Girl. Nice job.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Love that Daisy!


Dot-Com said...

That was really funny, thanks for sharing. Happy Theme Thursday.

Baino said...

Haha! Sweet poem. I have heard a joke similar to this in the past but it translates nicely into rhyme. Old codger, deserves what he gets!

Dreamhaven said...

Some men think that women don't have a brain. Not true, we've just learned to hide it well.

Jingle said...

here is mine,
Hope that you enjoy the read.

Jingle said...

beautiful box story!
Happy Sunday!