Saturday, July 25, 2009


Ours is a very wide road divided by this strip;
We enjoy the pleasures of these shadow-making trees.
Dogs chasing sticks, and children playing ball-games!
A fine little place for relaxing at ones ease. 
But listen! Can you hear them, rattling and clanking,
Smothered in their coal-dust and reeking with oil?
Can you see the driver, his face grey and careworn,
Struggling with the burden of unremitting toil?
This was a railway line in another century,
Carrying the coal from the mines to the port.
Now we enjoy it as our own piece of parkland.
And we hardly give the days of old an even passing thought.
A modern coal dilemma here:


Patty said...

Have a happy week-end.

Kat said...

How well this place has changed for the good. Can't even imagine that it was once a coal transportation area..!!!