Sunday, July 19, 2009



I'm an alligator off to a party
Camouflaged as a tree!
If you saw me in the grey-green water
You never would recognise me!
I think it's a wonderful costume!
It'll fool you on closer inspection!
I look quite harmless, don't I,
Swimming in your direction!
Just your normal funny old tree-trunk.
How could that ever do any harm?
But, on my way to the party,
I might bite off your arm!


quilly said...

And so my fear of murky water is supported.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Sure the croc has a naughty plan...Nice take.

Stan Ski said...

I think this particulsr tree's 'bark' is worse than its bite!

George S Batty said...

a wonderful little story of camouflage. should a man looking at a woman in a sexy dress be aware

Nara Malone said...

Laughing, this is such a fun poem. Lovely image.

Americanising Desi said...

wonderful story told :)

The Bigger Plan

Kat said...

Jeez... one should be wary of moving tree trunks..!!

doyle and mollie said...

woof hoo very clever!!

Duke said...

What a great find!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Roan said...

I would have been fooled. ;)
Love the poem!

Unknown said...

Love it!!

Judie said...

I saw a clip a couple of days ago of an alligator attacking a police car! Those suckers are REALLY BIG!!!!

Anonymous said...

I promise to steer clear!

Diane said...

Whoa! I don't think I would have ever known that was an alligator! Cute poem. :)

Susan Anderson said...

Great one!


lissa said...

great find.

have a sweet day.

Jenny said...

Love Quilly's comment!

Brenda, this was such a clever and fanciful poem. I loved the meter in this...I think this would be a cool basis for a childrens book!

Thanks for a clever and cute link this week for Alphabe-Thursday.
