Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cobby Corn


Corn on the Cob? Could anything be blander?
But corn plus zing and nothing could be grander.
Easy as can be, tasty and hearty
With everybody chomping at that special party.
A dribbly success from the time you begin,
But you might need a napkin to wipe your chin!
My recipe's for four so make sure you multiply
If the whole of your local soccer team comes by.
Mix honey and mustard with that dash of margarine;
Go on! Splash out! Don't be mean!
Microwave on high for less than a minute,
Then get a dish and put your corn in it.
Pour over marinade and cover with plastic.
Already the smell is quite fantastic!
Microwave for eight minutes, giving corn a turning
Halfway through; it'll cook without burning.
A great addition for any meal,
And for a barbecue, just ideal!

4 corn cobs, prepared. 2 tablespoons honey. 2 tablespoons wholegrain mustard.
4 teaspoons margarine


threesidesofcrazy said...

This sounds absolutely delicious and I love your rhyme! :)

Kristen said...

Thanks for joing us again with your food and your pen!

linda may said...

I love the way you put the recipe and the poem together.