Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thrown Together

William Goodrich Roberts



It appears so very casual, this little blue still-life,
This picture of a table and some flowers.
But I'm pretty sure old William got assistance from his wife
And no doubt she toiled for him for several hours.
'I'm running short of oranges! Can you pop down to the shop?
Bring those brighter ones; they've got the nicest colour!
You brought home little yellow ones! I'll place them at the top.
But don't get any more; they're so much duller.'
And later...'Bring that bluish cloth; I rather liked the shade;
You'll find it if you hunt for it enough !
I think it was the one that your Aunt Carolina made!
I like that sort of dark reflective stuff!'
And later still..... 'Oh double drat! These flowers look past their best!
I'll throw them out. Can you please pick some more!
You picked pink roses yesterday but I was not impressed;
Try white and yellow this time! Pink's a bore.'
But he wasn't finished yet! Oh no! 'I want to add some jars!
Please get them from the kitchen. Are they clean?
Maybe a blue decanter or a flagon or a vase;
I'll leave it to you; you must know what I mean.'
Oh no! Not more!......'That picture's wrong! A sea-scape would be fine.
We've got one in the bedroom, I recall.
Uncle Arthur painted it. It isn't one of mine.
Can you get it and then fix it on the wall?'
With all arranged I'm sure he said 'Some coffee would be nice.
And then I'll get to work like one inspired!
Always have a hobby , dear. Yes, that's my advice.
What a morning! I feel really tired!'
Two more views of painting here:


Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

Beautiful still life! I like the little story you wrote about it. Have a nice Sunday.

Suburban Girl said...

Yes, I can just hear it all happening. It makes the whole process come to life to think of it that way. And a nice painting too...I'm about to click on the link for more but before I do, thanks for playing MWBs this week.

SmilingSally said...

Obviously, you were meant to write. What a great background tale you weave. It's quite believable. I'm wishing you a delightful Blue Monday.

LV said...

Very pretty photo. You did a nice job for blue Monday.

Mary Bergfeld said...

It is a lovely and very blue photograph :-). I hope you made him a good pot od coffee. Have a wonderful day.

The Clever Pup said...

BRENDA, I was practicing my painting by copying a William Goodridge Roberts and decided to look around for more by him and lo and behold I found him on your site. Nice coincidence.

Happy New Year to you.
