Friday, May 8, 2009

Coastal Showers


A day of sunshine falters down into a night of rain.
Soon the glorious showers will fall and rush down every drain.
Ours is a land in need of rain, that's sure as it can be,
But all this wonderful water will flow straight into the sea!
Each time it rains we say the same....'If only we could capture
The lovely stuff and send it to a place where there'd be rapture.'
The Murray-Darling basin is as dry as an Autumn leaf.
The paddocks lie unwatered; it's almost beyond belief.
They've had no rain to speak of since 1993
And all our wonderful water flows straight into the sea!

There is another view of drought here:


Sandra Leigh said...

I followed your link and read the drought song - very funny!

Jo said...

Hi Brenda, lovely rhyme as always. Are you not able to dam water in Australia. I don't know the country or its topography at all.

Margaret Gosden said...

Another Green project for someone? You would be #1 if one of 'you' (those) kangeroos could hop on the bandwagon! My comment , better late than never, to a skewed rating system a little while back.

Wings1295 said...

Hope it rains and rains!

Dot-Com said...

I'll give some of our rain away, we've got more than enough. But I need sunshine in return :-)

Jim said...

You're very creative.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Jane Hards Photography said...

Someone put a hole in your sky. Just a hint but I see optimistic light.

Audun said...

Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend

Anonymous said...

Great shot & lovely poem to accompany it. Thanks for sharing!

Janie said...

Beautiful cloudy sky. I like the hole in the clouds with light coming through. Hope you get some rain that soaks in some before flowing to the sea.

Kat said...

oh oh... the rain water drains to the sea..!!!

Some time back in Madras or rather Tamil Nadu the govt. asked all of us to do rain water harvesting.

All the drain pipes from our terraces now lead to big pits dug (in each home) into the ground so that the water sinks into the soil, raising the underground table level.

Now, no more of rain water flowing into the sea.

p.s. The govt said if we don't do it, they'll cut our water and electricity :))))