Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Waiting For You



And oh the blueness of it all
As the cruise-ship drifts on by!
Blue chairs in a neat regimented row ,
Blue sea, blue land, blue sky.
Who could be blue on such a day?
Take your seat, and sail away.

(For Cheryl Cato)

Tell me what you see, old friend
And I'll tell you what I hear.
Without my eyes the world of sound
Has become very dear.
You give an insistent tug on my lead
And I go wherever you say;
To the river, the beach, or just to the shops.
Where are we going today?
Oh, it's a surprise! Well, that is fun.
When we get there I'll make a guess.
Having a friend like you, old pal,
Makes a game of my distress.
I hear laughing children on the breeze;
You tell me you see them playing.
I hear the rustle of some leaves;
You describe the branches swaying!
We're in the park! That's where we are!
Ah! Now I smell the roses!
Let's both use the  sense that we can share!
Come on! It's time for noses!


Marie said...

Lovely words.

SmilingSally said...

You can't get much bluer than this! Thanks for sharing this picture/poem of blue.

Happy Blue Monday, Brenda.

Kim, USA said...

I have never seen a blind dog and this made my heart ache. Love those words too.


LV said...

That is a perfect spot to be waiting for me. I love cruise ship trips.

joyh82 said...

great poem and photo! Happy Blue Monday ;)