supplied the illustration
Bunty was a bit of a pain;
A girl with not a lot of brain.
She hardly ever got things right;
You'd have to say she was not too bright.
Yet she was kindly and did her best,
And bumbled along behind the rest.
The Tea Party welcomed her at first
But then began to fear the worst.
(The Tea Party of which I speak
Meets for afternoon tea each week.
It consists of ladies in genuine pearls
Who like to call each other 'girls'.)
When it came to the Annual General Meeting
There was no-one to put-out the seating.
'Let Bunty do it' someone said;
'There's not a lot inside her head
But she's still young and hale and hearty
And willing to do things for the Party.'
So Bunty was left to put out the chairs
While the rest got on with their own affairs.
When the Members arrived at the hall
There just weren't any chairs at all!
But, in the farmer's field next-door,
There were rows of chairs, thirty-five or more!
'Bunty! Bunty! what have you done!'
Thus cried the ladies, every one.
'Putting out the chairs was an easy task!
Surely it wasn't too much to ask!'
'Hold on! ' said Bunty, 'No need to shout!
The chairs were IN so I put them OUT!'

In my younger and more vulnerable years
I walked among the mountains of my mind,
Tip-toeing on the pinnacles of joy
But crashing down when life proved too unkind.
Did someone praise my work? I surely knew
That I was bound for fame! I was supreme!
Did someone look askance at my attempts?
I crashed in anguish utterly extreme.
But 'win-some, lose-some' that is now my creed;
And failure's just a pin-prick, nothing more.
And 'average' is cosy, in a way,
Without the plus and minus of the score.
Success is something not to be attained,
So longing for its joys no longer hurts.
I constantly recite this mantra now;
' Just make a meal of all your just desserts'.
But how I miss the ecstasy of youth!
The pinnacles are now too hard to climb!
I'll 'be content, as butterflies with wings',
But what an unforgiving thief is time!
That is the funniest, cleverest Magpie ever!
The chairs were in so she put them out!
I love it, Brenda.
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel
I love your Honest Mistake...uppity bunch of ladies...lol
Your poem Vulnerable aches of the loss of dreams...wonderful Poem
Fun magpie from an odd prompt! LOL
Poor Bunty . . confused by the prepositions! Lovely verse as usual.
I am so glad she put them out!
Great take. Great imagination.
what great story telling ....thank you for the smiles x
Something new and quite imaginative for this week's prompt.
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