suggests the topic.
5/7/5 syllables
No quick decision.
No leap into the unknown.
Ponder for a while.
Do folk still scare themselves to death,
Going rigid, holding breath,
When someone dresses all in white
Intent on scaring in the night?
'Wearing a sheet' was the thing to do,
Plus groaning or whispering 'Whoo-hoo!',
When I was young, with no T.V.
Or movies to ape reality.
But now our screens are full of creatures
With fiery fangs and ghastly features.
Grotesque eyes and out-sized noses,
Lolling tongues and threatening poses!
Every film tries to out-do
The others in its gore and goo!
A modern child would likely boast
'You're just a person, not a ghost!'
Horror once was meek and mild,
Suiting the palate of a child.
Do modern 'beasts' invade the dreams
Of children, now, with shrieks and screams?
Give me the ancient bed-sheet game.
Digital 'ghosts' are not the same.
On somethings I can make a quick decision, without regret, and others I must ponder and ponder and ponder!! Good one!!
How long, exactly, is "a while"?
My Favorite Pondering
and then sometimes you just have to say WTHeck =)
Ponder a long is that? My husband would say.."she doth not ponder long enough" love the haiku!!
Sorry I'm WAY late visiting this time - it's been crazy.
I wish more people would ponder before they proceed! Well done!
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