Friday, November 18, 2011


chose the topic


Mind over matter.
The world has gone far away.
The centre is light.


Norman Rockwell (that's his back)
Had a very famous knack!
Day after day, week after week,
He could make his pictures speak
Of life and all its ups and downs.
All the cowboys, all the clowns,
Little boys and loving mothers,
Thin ones, fat ones, and some others.
But at times I fear he found,
However much he looked around,
Subject matter not to hand.
Ideas don't surface on command.
In a quandary he would brood
In a  quite frustrated mood,
Wondering what he could paint next;
Like all of us, he felt perplexed.
He waited for his inspiration,
Overcome by his frustration.
Sketching things, then throwing out;
Filled with panic and with doubt,
Knowing that the magazine
Would soon be on the national scene,
And everyone would soon discover
He hadn't drawn a decent cover!
It's good to know that supermen
Can feel like us now and again.
Norman Rockwell, just like me,
Could find himself in a quandary.


Margaret Gosden said...

Meditation heiku - lovely!

Jo said...

I love your meditation hauku, Brenda.