Saturday, October 24, 2009

Summer Snow

Taken during a holiday in Perth, Western Australia

To the tune 'Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!'

The sun up above is blazing
And it's really quite amazing
That up to the top we go!
Summer Snow! Summer Snow! Summer Snow!
The sand is all white and shiny
And we're right beside the briny!
We're feeling that summer glow!
Summer Snow! Summer Snow! Summer Snow!
We're on holiday by the sea
And it's just where we're wanting to be!
With the surf and the sand and sun
Life is delectable fun!
The climb to the top is tiring
And quite soon we're all perspiring!
Then we zoom to the beach below!
Summer Snow! Summer Snow! Summer Snow!


Elli said...

Wow ,it is wonderful!

Margaret Gosden said...

Do those dunes ever become ski slopes, I wonder?
I usually enlarge your photos and was surprised to find that this is white sand, not snow, inspite of the poem's insistent claim!

Unknown said...

I love your picture!! I didn't know you had snow in Australia?? have a nice weekend:))

eileeninmd said...

Cute poem and a wonderful snow photo. How cool summer snow!

Marie said...

Looks amazing! Snow in summer :-)

wenn said...

hi..that's interesting..

Coffeedoff said...

Wow that really does look like snow!

Dimple said...

For a moment I thought it really was snow! Cute poem!

Anonymous said...

The sand is incredibly white and does indeed look a lot like snow. ;-) You are a wonderful tease.

Jim said...

Top spot.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

SquirrelQueen said...

The dunes are beautiful, almost as much fun as snow and definitely warmer.

Rosie@travel-i-tales said...

Soft landing when you take a tumble, I'm sure. Interesting!

Hootin Anni said...

Now THIS is what I call fun. Warm, summery days...and NO SNOW [for real] to scoop or drive on. Gotta love it. Fabulous work R R!!

Here's Mine...Sting's Fields of Gold Hope you can stop by to view my TTS. Have a wonderful day.

Kay L. Davies said...

What fun, Brenda! I would have loved to see something like that when I was young. Great job with the lyrics!
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel