Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Picnic Party


All around the lake are dotted
Pleasant little spots like these,
Where we're sheltered, from the hot sun,
By the canopy and trees.
With our floppy hats as shelter
We can all enjoy the breeze.
Getting out our salad lunches
Making coffees, making teas.
Someone there has brought a sandwich.
Lovely! It's her usual....cheese.
Hope the insects don't come near us,
Flies, mosquitoes, even bees!
George has got his old hay-fever!
Here it comes! He's going to sneeze!
Is it swine-flu? George be careful!
Not in this direction PLEASE!

Another time, another place, another picnic here:


Luiz Ramos said...

Beautiful view and place.
It looks like Brazilian sights.
Far away and near.
Luiz Ramos

Sylvia K said...

Looks like a great picnic in a beautiful place! Hope George covered his mouth! Fun poem, Brenda!

Enjoy your week!


marcia@joyismygoal said...

What fun times and words no swine just allergies

Jim said...

A perfect day out.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Anonymous said...

Ah! Beautiful spring photo. Swine flu os a hot topic in Canada now.

Unknown said...


Eve said...

Haha - I love the poem... especially the part about swine flu! ;)

SandyCarlson said...

Such beautiful summer sunshine!

Sistertex said...

Just a beauty!

Jim said...

I can identify with this one, Brenda. What would our world be like without those picnics, ants, hay fever, cheese sandwiches, and all!
You sure do write a lot and you have a nice blog.
Thank you for this one. I am sorry, I didn't see you on the OSI for this week. I have one on the Poem Place blog, my Ruby Tuesday is on the Little Blog.

LadyFi said...

Had to giggle at your rhyme!

Looks like a charming picnic by the water.

The Explorer said...

photo and poems are perfect!! and it made me smile after...c",)

Carolyn Ford said...

I am wondering if you were an English teacher before retirement...your poems just make me think you were! They are so darn cute! I love this picnic site...what a beautiful place.

Ms. Bake-it said...

Cute poem! Looks like a lovely place for a picnic.

~ Tracy

Americana Lady said...

How relaxing! I love being close to water. joan