Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Farm Gate


Unmistakably rural, the farm gate stands on guard,
Holding at bay the country, which attempts to invade the yard.
The home is an oasis, a small domestic place,
Holding its own in a countryside of never-ending space.
Here is grass trimmed neatly, like a little suburban lawn,
While beyond are the rolling paddocks and the broad gold sweep of corn.
Here a woman has fashioned a home of comfort and ease.
She can gaze out of her windows at the all-encircling trees.
The shade they cast is so soothing, like arboreal benedictions.
The fence and the gate never seem to her to be anything like restrictions.
On the contrary, they are symbols of the fact that she made her mark;
That she turned her spot in the wilderness into her private park.
More farm comparisons here:


Sylvia K said...

Lovely shadow shot and, of course, I always love your words! Great shadow post!



Martha Z said...

A lovly written reflection on the photo.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely shot of the shadows, it is a very pretty scene. Thanks for sharing.

A Wild Thing said...

Wonderfully written...were you writing about me...this is exactly how I see myself and my lil' sanctuary of 6 acres...ahhh paradise...MINE!

Margaret Gosden said...

And it looks so golden beyond the gate, yet it is corn, of course! The yard a shaded oasis, too, providing cool shadows, for one imagines it gets very hot out there! Lovely.

Maurice Lauher said...

Great photo and poem - they both remind me of visiting my Grandmother in rural western Illinois back in the 1950's. There was a fenced in yard and then there was the farm.

But that's one of the purposes of these memes, to remind us.

Ralph said...

This looks like a park, just the place where one can relax and be at ease anywhere, and in hot weather, find the relaxing shadowy shade to cool down. This is a beautiful farm!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Your words and image depict a delightful rural haven! A very inviting gateway!

Jim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carolyn Ford said...

Very lovely shadow shots and gate...gates so frequently create a strong curiosity...very nice capture and words to go along...

Hot Fudge said...

Oh yes please - that is where I want to sit all day. Obviously the shot was not taken in Queensland, otherwise the grass would be dry and brown. Bring on the rain.

Coffeedoff said...

Great shot, invites you to go through and see what is the other side!

Anonymous said...

Awesome shadow, and so inviting for a little rest!

Unknown said...

Wonderful shot!

wenn said...

hi..that's cool..hv a nice day..

Anonymous said...

that is my kind of shadow shot - I love fences and gates - strange, I know!!

Crafty Green Poet said...

that looks like a lovely shady spot!

eileeninmd said...

Very pretty scene, looks like a very relaxing spot. Wonderful photo and shadows.

Anonymous said...

Great shadows! I envy your green grass. :)

Quilt Works said...

Very scenic and very shadowy! Great colors on the gate.

...Old wood window!