Monday, October 12, 2009

Captain Hook


Study this photo! Take a closer look!
Can you see a severed hand replaced by a hook?
If I ask you the character you're bound to guess;
Blake was dressed as Captain Hook for fancy dress.
See his sword and his bright gold braid!
All his enemies were bound to be afraid!
Blake's much more mature these days.
He's grown-out of the 'Peter Pan' phase.
But I bet one Book Week a teacher said
'Look at Blake's jacket! What a lovely red!'

More from the Peter Pan phase here:


Ralph said...

Indeed a lovely red uniform. However, he does not seem like a mean pirate, looking too cute for a swashbuckler. But he could change the image of the pirate by being a 'nice one'. Change is good!

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful post and photo of your little Captain Hook!

Anonymous said...

Captain Hook is way more handsome than I had imagined!

Margaret Gosden said...

Has he read Treasure Island, I wonder - I expect so! He must have had a lot of fun pretending....

Marites said... cute in red! He's a cutie Captain Hook:)

Meikah said...

A cute Captain Cook! :)

My RT entry is here.

Chubskulit Rose said...

The first friendly pirate I've seen hehehe!

Please take a peek on my first Ruby Tuesday entry. Seeyah!