Thursday, August 12, 2010

What Do I See?

You ask what do I see. I see a life
Collected in one place upon a shelf.
A child, a daughter, and a loving wife,
Gathering lovingkindness to herself.
I see the knicknacks and the trinkets there,
The memorabilia of so many years.
I hear an echo of a time more fair;
I hear an echo of a time of tears.
A lifetime is condensed in what we see;
The value lies in golden memories.
She gazes fondly on what used to be,
And smiles when lost in gentle reveries.

(The First sign of an Australian Spring.)

The Winter has a paintbrush
That's filled with faded paint.
The greys and greens are languid
And all is pale and faint.
And suddenly a trumpet sounds!
A wild and brilliant sound!
As the Wattle throws its yellowness around.

The Wattle heralds Springtime
When skies are washed and clear,
As, with a jaunty brightness,
It tells us Summer's near.
The wild birds start to clamour
With a bright and blessed sound,
As the Wattle throws its yellowness around.

The Wattle bursts with blossom
In every local park.
And, if the day is cloudy,
It lights a merry spark.
It's falling gift of puff-balls
Spreads across the waiting ground
As the Wattle throws its yellowness around.

The Wattle blooms in Springtime
When some other trees are bare.
It stands there like a Princess
With gleaming yellow hair.
We had lost the golden weather
But now, at last, it's found
As the Wattle throws its yellowness around.

A multitude of candles
Light a world that once was cold.
It blesses us
Blesses us with its Gold



vivienne blake said...

Nice idea: could also apply to the recent writers island Possessions prompt.

Happy Flower said...

Appreciate focus that objects of a seemingly still life are an archive of a personal nature, 'life condensed'.