Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Three Sisters


I took this photograph in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales some time ago.Though the 'Three Sisters' don't show as clearly as in some shots I was pleased with the diagonal.


Meehni, Wimlah and Gunnedoo were three sisters, led astray,
For they fell in love with three forbidden men.
This caused a fearful battle between warring tribes, they say,
For such battles seemed to happen now and then.
The three girls were in danger so at last they were transformed
By a witchdoctor! He turned them into stone!
And now you know the way in which these pinnacles were formed.
(And that's a fact that isn't widely known!)


Margaret Gosden said...

Yes, when enlarged one can really appreciate the diagonal and the soft undulations of the distant
landscaping and sky. Nice anecdote about the 3 sisters.

Photo Cache said...

what a beautiful vista.

Guy D said...

Beautiful view Brenda, fantastic pic.

Regina In Pictures

Baruch said...

Beautiful! There is a place in South Africa that also has 2 sisters

Anonymous said...

Oh, I never thought tales like this would be over on some other places, I also thought this was just a local tale here in Philippines. We call it "Tres Marias" though, and some mountains over in Camiguin Island was named tres marias. Thanks for the photo it is indeed beautiful in the diagonal angle. :)

nature ramblings said...

Beautiful!!! I really enjoyed reading your blog. Wonderful writing. Very creative woman! Thanks for sharing.sadstio

Anonymous said...

Bright and beautiful clouds. I love those mountains.

totomai said...

nice landscape shot. and the shadow there is beautiful. nice tale too.

Kat said...

The witchdoctor needs some tinkering.
He should've changed the three "forbidden men" into stone.
(well, can hear you say, the photo then wouldn't have looked so pleasant :)))

Grandma said...

A beautiful photo and a fine story too. Thanks so much for sharing them.

Check out my HoT:Talking To The Wall

Unknown said...

how very cool sandy

Hootin Anni said...

I love, LOVE legends like this. That was a special treat for us "Hotties" this week.

Mine this week is ALL IN THE FAMILY for me.

Have a great Tuesday.

Karen said...

Oh my goodness, that is a beautiful scene.

Barb said...

Legends such as this are only made better by the beautiful photography.

Thanks for playing =)