Tuesday, March 10, 2009



It now seems very long ago,
That these two cousins said 'Hallo'.
Blake, in wonder at it all,
Harry , very, very small.
'They'll be such friends' we all agreed.
A happy welcoming indeed.
When Blake was six, and seven and eight,
He thought Harry really great.
He cuddled him, he made him giggle,
He tickled him and made him wriggle.
Again we said 'They're such good friends'.
It seemed the happiest of blends.
But Blake is ten now, Harry's five;
It's hard for friendship to survive.
Blake is a Game-Boy aficionado;
Harry's filled with wild bravado.
We thought that 'cousin' would mean 'like brother'
But now they just tolerate one another!
They sometimes seem  to be poles apart,
So that's upset the apple-cart.
And yet I'm sure in coming years,
They'll grow together, more like peers.
No doubt when both are middle-aged,
Another meeting will be staged.
'Hallo' they'll say, as they cross the floor,
'I remember meeting you before.'


Margaret Gosden said...

How wonderful it is to be a grandmother and to have the time to watch the interactions between cousins, brothers and sisters! (One granddaughter here, in my case). That you can put it in a nut shell, a poem, that says it all for many of us!

Janie said...

Very cute photo and poem. And how true that they'll have their period when age separates them, but they'll no doubt grow up to be good friends.

Granny Smith said...

They will grow together a lot sooner than middle-age, especially if there are lots of family reunions. Your verse is delightful, as usual.

Unknown said...

Blake and Harry! How sweet is that? What a delightful little poem! And what wonderful little boys. Sweet as can be!

Anna said...

I like your take on the letter H. I am sure that it another fifteen years or so they will enjoy each other's company again :)

Darlene said...

Sweet little guys and a nice and apt poem about how relationships change when age appropriate interests intrude.

Jane Hards Photography said...

So very true.

Sylvia K said...

Great poem, as always and the little guys are really cute. Amazing how things change as they get older and go in separate directions! Thanks for sharing!

photowannabe said...

Delightful verse and the entire theme. I always enjoy visiting this blog.

Tumblewords: said...

Darling kids - yes, I've seen this happen before, too. Strange isn't it? I, too, thought they'd be so close...

Kat said...

Please brace yourself - the next stage is tooth-and-nail wars.... followed by truce and in later years realise - blood is thicker than water..!!!

Reader Wil said...

Lovely photo and poem! The difference between 10 and 5 is much greater than between 20 and 25, and even less than between 55 and 50. So it all might turn out to become a great friendship.

Sherrie said...

Great "H" post! They may not like each other now but they will soon!! Have a great day!!


Dragonstar said...

Lovely, HAPPY post!

pictureeachday said...

Ohh, I love it! It reminds me of my sister and me - we used to fight all the time when we were little, but now of course we're very close :)

La said...

Oh what a wonderful post, my friend. It so eloquently describes the passage of time and the transitions in relationships.

Be sure to stop by this week to enter my giveaway.

Have a great holiday weekend! La

Betty said...

I'm sure it's just a matter of time and they'll be good buds again.

EG CameraGirl said...

Cute! And now that two more years have passed by, how are the two getting along now? :)

Anonymous said...

What cuties! JDaniel can fight with the next door neighbor like he is his brother.

Gattina said...

What a nice poeme for the two cuties !

Susan Anderson said...

Good one!

And I think you've got it right...


Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I'll bet their friendship ebbs and tides as they grow older...

Rachel said...

That is so sweet :)

Jingle said...


Judie said...

This is an absolutely wonderful poem!! They will read it years from now and really appreciate it!!

Cheryl D. said...

Great poem! I'm sure they'll be good friends before middle age!

Jenny said...

Nothing like family to enchant and frustrate us...all at the same time!

What a wonderful rhyme you've shared here!

You always make me smile. This would be a fun gift for each of them when they get older. This picture and a copy of your clever and wonderful rhyme.

Thanks for linking.


Splendid Little Stars said...

I have a cousin who is 2 1/2 years younger, not as huge a difference. There were some years when we were rather far apart. However, we are older now and love each other dearly.
lovely poem and photo!

Anonymous said...

I am sure they' ll be again
in that mature land of someday :)

I enjoyed the rhymes, it gave it a nice tempo, awesome!!!! :)
happy potluck!


Unknown said...

You walked us through the inevitable variations and stages of loving a cousin. Isn't it wonderful to know that, once adults, they embrace the old adoration?

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

fantastic tribe.
thanks for sharing.

mindsinger said...

So sweet and so true!

ami said...

All relationships have stages. What we have are moments to cherish.

Anonymous said...

wonderful poem well written

Anonymous said...

This poem is so sweet that's how it is though we grow apart and come together, its part of life. Beautifully done

Anonymous said...

lovely and touching poem. i think we all have seen or gone through this with family.
i am 12 years older than one brother and 14 years with the other, yet now we are thick as thieves.

Jen said...

Yes! 10 and 5...they are in totally different worlds right now. As you know...they will meet again. Sad for the younger one though. I bet he looks up to his older cousin.

Judie said...

I have no fourth letter of the alphabet on my keyboar so please fill in where necessary. Your poem is so true! I have a cousin who use to tease me. Now we are very close!!

anitamombanita said...

Terrific post! I bet they'll 'reduscover' each other....at least I hope so!

EG CameraGirl said...

Yes, I bet they will indeed meet again and have much more in common than they do now. :)

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Well said. My kids are now finding their cousins on Facebook!

21 Wits said...

Oh this is so, so very precious! Isn't Harry the boy who just started Kindergarten? I left a comment, but not sure it went through, he did appear to have such a quiver, and deep wonder before his first day...it showed in that photo!