Friday, February 6, 2009



Look at the photo and make a choice....
Do you prefer the human voice
Blaring into your waiting ear?
Or do you prefer a gaze that's dear;
One that makes you forget the people round you,
And makes you so glad Mr Right has found you?
Do you prefer the idle chatter
Or a look that says volumes that really matter?
Do you like text to do the talking
And your fingers to do the walking?
Or would you prefer a gaze that's true,
And 'speaking' with eyes when words wont do?
This clever photograph can't disguise
Which of these girls has won the prize.


Anonymous said...

Yeah. . . the prize is all in the eyes. Great poem. Thanks for creating and sharing!!!!

Peace, Light and Love to you and yours. . . CordieB.

Anonymous said...

A very telling photo. Just love it and your poem!

Elizabeth said...

Such fun!
Personally I HATE cell phones, don't own one and wish quite a lot of other people didn't!
You are so inventive!

Darlene said...

I certainly would prefer the gaze.

I don't own a cell phone either and if I did it would only be for security reasons.

Steffi said...

Very nice poem!Have a nice weekend!

Ruth said...

You have a fine way with words! I have a cell phone which I keep in my car for emergencies. Give me human contact please (but I do enjoy meeting people in cyberspace too!)

Patty said...

Wonderful poem and terrific photo.

Merle said...

Hi Brenda ~~ Nice poem and I think most of us prefer the face to face
gaze and communicating.
By all means, use the Koala story for a poem. Take care, Love, Merle.

Anonymous said...

loved the poem that followed the pic :)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

witty take on c..
love your post....

here is mine;

Jo said...

wonderful poem ... i am not a texter, but my daughter sure is ... give me the old fashioned face to face anyday ...

allisondegeorge said...

very insightful words and image...

Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful! Ironic isn't it that we are carrying on our discourse through our walking fingers!


Judie said...

HHAHAHA! I love it! I'll be back!!

Annesphamily said...

A wonderful poem! I am enjoying my stroll through the letter C today! Thanks and come join me soon. Anne

Jules said...

and what a prize!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Clever clever clever c post!

love it!

Susan Anderson said...

Great poem and a very cool picture to go with it.


Anonymous said...

This is so well written. I glad one of the girls was paying attention

Jenny said...

How neat is this?

Such a clever and provocative use of the letter "C".

I enjoyed the contrast in these picturs and your words.

Very poignant.

Thank you for linking to Alphabe-Thursday.
