Monday, February 2, 2009

292. Summer Blooms

I'm trying to kid myself that I'm sending this picture to ward-off your Winter Blues!
In reality I'm just trying to prove that there are advantages in living upsidedown!


When in the town, busy shopping,
In admiration I was stopping,
To view these blooms along the way!.
I only hope they make your day!


Winifred said...

They are pretty. I just couldn't cope with the heat you get in Australia. Maybe I could manage New Zealand but I would find it hard to get used to living upside down at my age!

Jinksy said...

They certainly make this one brighter - it's just started snowing!

floreta said...

a beautiful picture. thanks for sharing.

Mari Meehan said...

They made my day indeed!

Darlene said...

They are lovely and give us on the upside-downside hope that Spring is on the way.

Anonymous said...

It's snowing VERY hard here so your picture is so so welcome.

Darlene said...

The blossoms are a promise that Spring will find it's way to the upside of the downside eventually.

They are lovely - thanks, Brenda.

Kat said...

Heh heh.. winter blues ?

You would've made the people living UPRIGHT :)))) green with envy :))))

Gemma Wiseman said...

Lovely bright, sunny colours!

Believe it or not, we've only had a few really hot days this summer on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria! The rest could easily be classified as Autumn days! But I guess there's still February!

Marie said...

YES!!! That´s what we are lokking forward to ;-)

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful blooms. Wonderful photo!

Coffeedoff said...

Just what I need to remind me that the flowers will come again!

Carolyn Ford said...

I believe upside-down is just as right-side up as any place! Enjoy your summer season and all the colorful flowers that go with it! It's not freezing every where on this side of the globe...southern California is pretty nice right now!

Tammie Lee said...

thank you for the lovely words and photo, yes they make my day.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see the flowers this time of year in Canada! But truth be told, I like winter too. There's a time for both as far as I'm concerned. :)

Lindz said...

good post, it certainly helps to brighten one's day.

Jim said...

Lovely. I featured some flowers today to but yours are much better.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Joe Todd said...

Great post. I am starting to get new seed catalogs in the mail LOL

Helena said...

What a lovely way to brighten up the day. Thanks!