Friday, March 12, 2010

Give Me a Hand!

gave us this illustration as a prompt!
(So don't blame me!)


Elvis Presley sang about a 'Wooden Heart'
But he never mentioned any other part!
Carried to its logical conclusion
Maybe other body parts deserved inclusion!
Entirely wooden bodies, not just hearts!
How simple, then, would be 'replacement parts.'!
The surgeon, with a nut, a bolt, a screw
Could make a body quite as good as new!
And everyone around would understand
When the surgeon said to staff  'Give me a hand.'

Another type of Helping Hand here:


Suz said...

don't we wish
Clever and the rhyming
was easy and nice

Cheryl said...

And a good sandpapering now and again!

Kat said...

I don't like people with a wooden face..!!!! Any other material is okay.

Pete Goulding said...

Wooden it be great!
(Except for the dry rot of course. Oh and the termites. And the warping - Still, I have those three anyway)
Great fun!

christine said...

Very clever, but 'wood' Elvis have sung about that too???


Catalyst said...

Great fun, indeed, Brenda!

Brian Miller said...

lol. and termites would be our greatest foe. smiles. fun magpie!

Eric S. said...

Gotta love this one, a fun prose indeed. However, I think we would have far more problems, "wooden" you think. Sorry to repeat that, but I couldn't and wooden't resist.

Lyn said...

Clever and fun..didn't Giapetto do this sort of thing??

Ronda Laveen said...

I really like the idea of just being able to bolt on a new arm or a hip.

Vicki Lane said...

And here's a hand for Brenda!!! (Clapping loudly)

♥ Braja said...

Excellent!! :))

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Replacement parts is a good idea....
I thinking if that would be a lateral move... -J

Tess Kincaid said...

Clever one! Thanks for the smiles.

Unknown said...

Very very cute! Termites, dry rot, and the dullness that goes with wooden things unpolished. I liked this a lot!

robkistner said...

Enjoyed this a great deal Brenda, thank you for sharing…
Image & Verse

Jennifer said...

Love it Brenda. Clever, concise and gave me a giggle.

Yemalla said...

Absolutely brilliant! And amusing.