Friday, March 26, 2010



By a trick of the turning world two people, a day apart,
Are celebrating a birthday, though it wasn't like that at the start!
Here, in Oz, it's the 26th, in America the day before,
So now they share a birthday, which they didn't in days of yore!
One is my husband, Malcolm (he isn't awake just yet)
The other my old friend Margaret (seen here at the time we met!)
So Happy Birthday to them both. I'm proud to be the link!
Let's make a toast in cyberspace and hear the glasses clink!


Inay said...

Truly the birth of those we love...
Is like a treasure of pearl and gold....
Remember the golden days of old...
When feet strolled out to play and roll...

How things go by like hymns of songs..
the sounds of soul of yesteryears...
with every drops of wonder days..
each embraced were treasured more..

I hope the days will stop and go
And live the life of full
laughter of friends, of those we love
i wish to stay for more....

God bless you...
I know my poem is not that good..
i hope you could comment on this..

Margaret Gosden said...

Thank you both for a very nice tribute from such different parts of the world! Margaret