Monday, September 6, 2010

Moody Blues



Sometimes I'm drawn to symmetry; sometimes I like a riot,
A scene of crazy dissonance, epotome of unquiet.
Sometimes it gives me pleasure when patterns stand in line;
Sometimes a whirligig of hues seems absolutely fine.
I wonder if psychiatrists consider this attraction;
These quite opposing decorations giving satisfaction.
I'm feeling rather low today so is that why I choose
These tiles? Is there security in these, my Moody Blues?


She tied me up in the shadows, but at least I've found the sun!
But doesn't she even realise she left my coat undone!
Today is very wintry, there's a bitterness in the breeze!
The only good thing that I can see is it's killed-off all my fleas!
I'm looking at the store-front with a very longing look.
She's inside in the heating and I jolly well hope she'll cook!
She's left me here to shiver; she didn't put on my vest!
I'm absolutely certain I'll get a cold on my little chest!
'Man's Best Friend!' Now there's a laugh! Ah yes! Now I can see!
She's sitting in the cafe, there, having a cup of tea!
When she returns she'll pat my head saying 'Good dog! Shake hands! Beg!'
But I will look disdainful
And bite her on the leg!


This weekend's highlight has been Fathers' Day. Not that it's much of an event for us. Having grown-up in the UK where it wasn't celebrated at the time, we've always felt it was a bit commercial. However, it was lovely seeing Becca's family on Saturday. We went to Blake's final soccer game of the year. Unfortunately his side didn't win, but I don't think anyone was too upset.

When Blake walked off the pitch at the end of the game I was struck by how grown-up he looks these days!

Yesterday the two little boys, Harry and Max brought Fathers' Day gifts. They were very excited.


b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

It is so lovely to see your family. The poetry was perfect for the prompt.

Be well.


Denise Moncrief said...

Very good post on the wait prompt. Shame on her for leaving that dog outside.

self publishing said...

Lovely post, excellent to see your family. The poetry was very apt and well written.

Lilibeth said...

I loved your doggy poem and it made me laugh outloud.

Diana said...

The boys looked so cute Brenda! And as always your poetry is lovely.
Poor little doggie!
Love Di ♥

Elizabeth said...

I know that dissonance between symmetry and chaos, and usually just go with it, because it doesn't work to fight it. I loved the doggie poem, and clapped at the last line. Serves her right.


Pie said...

Love this post. You have a beautiful family. :)

Happy Labor Day and Happy Blue Monday!

My Blue Monday.

Old Egg said...

I am sure the dog would think that but would never do it. I too laughed out loud at this beautiful rhyme.

Deborah said...

I just LOVED this little dog one!! :o)

Rebecca said...

It's nice to see your family-great bunch!

Lisa McDonald said...

You have a beautiful family!

Happy Blue Monday

SmilingSally said...

I love your blues and your poetry. The dog does look unhappy.

You have a sweet family.

Happy Blue Monday, Brenda! Check out my book giveaway.

George S Batty said...

enjoyed your post. the dog was perfect. they are always waiting and I have always wondered what they were thinking. now I know

LV said...

Enjoyed all the varieties of blues for today. Nice job.

ellen b. said...

The blue tiles are great. Funny poem! Great family shots. You threw me for a loop talking about Father's day since we celebrate it in June here in the U.S.

Nanka said...

A lovely poem Winter Wait!!
And I really sympathize with that poor doggy waiting...Wouldn't blame him if he did what he wanted to do in the end...

Dee Martin said...

I loved everything here! Wonderful posts - I have been so busy and missed these visits!

Susannah said...

Loved the little dog. ;-)