Friday, September 17, 2010

Melbourne a la Meme

                                     Panoramic press shot.


The easiest way to cover it, it seems,
Is by using that Blog artifice, the 'memes'.
I can cover all the aspects of our stay,
And also get the week's memes underway.
We flew off to Victoria recently
Just for a few days (well, it was only three).
A Short Break holiday was what was needed:
We sought a successful trip and we succeeded!


The plane we flew in was a Virgin Blue
Although you'll say it's red, and that's quite true.
The journey was quite short, an hour or so,
So flying seemed to nicest way to go.

Melbourne is a town with many quirks.
Here's an example of the wierdest works!
Tucked round a corner, far from peeping eyes;
And giving passers-by quite a surprise!

Malcolm was 'rugged-up' and so was I;
The breeze was stiff beneath a wintry sky.
This ATM had a very yellow hue,
So I thought for Yellow Monday it would do.

These ornaments were seen upon our way
When we went out with some friends to a cafe.
The sun came out and brightened-up the scene
And here and there were signs of Springtime green.

(Letter 'J')

This building seemed to be a jigsaw jumble
With geometric shapes all of a tumble.
I loved the curious buildings on display!
It seems that there are no rules to obey!

Not a genuine monochrome I fear
But I don't think there is any colour here.
I thought this pavement statue rather quaint,
Much better without any sign of paint.


Our 'middle' day was bright and blue
So quite the very best thing to do
Was visit a Rhodedendron Park
Though winter branches were still stark.



The Cathedral was pleasantly still and quiet,
Shut away from the city riot.
Even a heathen such as me
Appreciates tranquility.


Typical Melbourne wintry weather,
Chilly and grey but not altogether.
Frequently the sky was blue.
That was when the sun peeped through.

St Kilda was blustery as you see here;
Quite like winter out on the pier!
We enjoyed our journey on the tram.
(You see how easily-pleased I am!)




Up in the Dandenongs the bright rosellas
Prove that they are  colourful fellas!
Here they pose in a cafe's grounds
As other parrots make joyful sounds.
Finally, to prove we were really there,
The two of us in Federation Square.
Winter woolies the order of the day
But we very much enjoyed our stay.
As an addition to our Melbourne caper
My face was in the local paper!
Asked my opinion, as we walked in the street,
By a reporter we happened to meet!
A first for me at my great age!
(Sadly on a very minor page!)


Susan said...

Wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed the visit through your eyes and verse. Skywatch neatly sums up a typical Melbourne day. Thank you.

Margaret Gosden said...

What would we do without our meme suggestions!
I like the last one the best that shows what a wonderful few days you both had. Welcome back!

Jim said...


Sylvia K said...

What fun for all the days (memes)! You wrapped it all up in one! Love the last shot! Hope you have a great weekend, Brenda!


Beverley Baird said...

Wow! What a great tour through your memes! Loved all the photos!
take care!

Jama said...

I enjoyed looking at all your photos in one entry.

"Lillagul" said...

You really can the art of rhyming !
Happy weekend !

Gabriela Abalo said...

wow, so many entries in one post! nice :)

Love the pic with your husband!

lovely weekend

Rune Eide said...

You had so many variations here that I don't quite know which to choose, but I have decided on the first and the last but one. Highly approved.

Jenn said...

Clever way to recount your beautiful vacation. Totally enjoyed your words and pixes. What a great post!

Kay L. Davies said...

Well, I'm impressed, Brenda. I remember when poetry tumbled out of me with little or no effort. Now I can't find a rhyme in time. It would take me a week to do what you seem to have done in a day, and you've done it with a purpose.
The pictures are super. When I was in Australia, I dearly loved all the bright-coloured birds, but on the other hand I always find it difficult to resist a pier. The expanse of yellow is really something else, isn't it? Good job!!

Alberta, Canada

Kim, USA said...

Beautiful yellow glass wall! Happy Monday!
The cars

Liz said...

Wonderful photos. Love the last one, you're a gorgeous couple.

Happy MYM.

Liz @ MLC

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photos for all the memes. Great post, have a great week and Happy Blue Monday!

SmilingSally said...

Morning, Brenda, Happy Blue Monday! Check out my book giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I love a visit to your blog. You not only covered the memes you excelled!

Donnie said...

That must have taken you a long time to complete. It was truly beautiful.. Happy Blue Monday.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

glad you reassured me that my eyes wasn't wrong. Last summer, I flew Pacific Blue from Auckland to the Gold Coast.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

For Brenda Bryant

A heathen, a heathen,
How can it be?
A heathen who covets

And where shall she find it,
Sweet peace, pray tell?
Ah, in the cathedral
Where all is well.

© 2010 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Shadowy St. Whoever

Jan n Jer said...

Great shots, you covered them all!

photowannabe said...

Wow, you sure covered them all. Terrific meme's and I do like the crazy jigsaw building.

Hildred said...

How clever and inventive you are to cover all your memes in one fell swoop - so enjoyable.

Roger Owen Green said...

neat trick, that.

yes, i definitely see the jigsaw motif.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Tumblewords: said...

A clever basket of memes all in a row!

Anonymous said...

That was simply a brilliant post! Loved all your rhymes and the cohesive way you pulled them all together! And I could definitely identify with, 'even a heathen such as me appreciates tranquility'!


Linnea said...

Oh you're many wonderful shots to share with us! Love your photo in the paper! congrats! I guess springtime is coming your way!

Hootin Anni said... time, tho, take me with you?

Love the title of your blog too....Melbourne ala meme...clever!!!

My Watery photos are about the 'disaster area' in town during a day long rainstorm. Click Here if you'd care to join me today with your visit.