Sunday, June 27, 2010


Ochre is the colour of Australia,
The soil and the red, red heart.
It's the colour of its heat in the summer
And the colour of its native art.
It features in body-painting,
And in works of world renown.
It's that wonderful sun-soaked,
Rusty, golden, deeply satisfying brown.


The starting words are from 'Love You Too' by the Beatles.


Each day just goes so fast....
I turn around, it's past.
And isn't it a great disaster
That old age makes it go much faster!
Xmas now with Easter merges,
Waves of Time roll with great surges!
Birthdays pile up ceaselessly!
Branches grow on the Family Tree.
Of course the Beatles were quite young
When this original song was sung!
Like me, they couldn't imagine, clearly,
That time would gallop monthly, yearly!
It was just a useful phrase
To register the passing days.
Now they're all old , it seems to me,
They sing it in a minor key!
They realise that finite Time
Can't be contained in a simple rhyme!
'Stop! Stop!' we cry, 'Slow down! Slow down!
In minutes, hours and days we'll drown!'
Inexorable! That's the word
That makes we humans feel absurd.
Helplessly we're swept along
To where all used-up things belong.
The terrible, terrible speed increases
It ceases.


Cheryl Cato said...

Lovely description of the color ochre.

Cheryl Cato said...

Inexorable... you've stated it all so well.

Ramesh Sood said...

What a lovely rhyme.. and the description of Ochre..thanks for sharing..

Sandra.if said...

ochre turns the earth alive...interesting report!

Helen said...

Lovely writing ... especially the Ochre piece!

Andree said...

Great work! I saw each thing as you described it. I enjoyed this a lot.

Tammie Lee said...

the color of Australia, wonderful.

Jim said...

Hi R&R, I am liking your wonderful rendition of the uses and characteristics of the Aussie reds. I do hope to see them someday.

Tonght, and starting a couple of days ago, we came to London to visit our daughter. Her flat is on Circus Street. At the corner, go over a block and you are at the Beatles' hangout, Abbey Road. I am loving it!

SandyCarlson said...

Love what you did with ochre! I feel the warmth of your land.

Tumblewords: said...

Australia sounds so wonderful to me - I've always wanted to visit there. And the Beatles - yes, they, too were once young. :)

Patti said...

I loved your interpretation of ochre! Australia sounds marvelous- would love to see it someday!

one more believer said...

yes, yes the beautiful red of oz.. traveling through the outback quite a few years ago and found the whole of the western coast enchanting.. but the best was out in the middle of nowhere with the eucalyptus trees and the colors blazed... love the beatles just like everyone else and after seeing paul still singing and on the road oh my we are gettin on arent' we..

Brenda said...

Lovely poems! Thanks for sharing your talent.

La said...

Hi Brenda!

Here's hoping time doesn't cease for quite some time. :o)

Have a wonderful day! La

Lynn said...

What a warm description of ochre:@)

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I love ochre and it is a great idea for an O post!

most excellent...

Anonymous said...

I really love all the tones of ochre.

Judie said...

The ochres are some of the mainstays of my palette when I paint landscapes. Wonderful post!!

Susan Anderson said...

I always enjoy your poems.


Jenny said...


I went and made a fresh cup of tea and came back and read your outstanding poetry.

What a word crafter you are RR. You create masterpieces that we can all relate to.

An outrageously wonderfuly link to Alphabe-Thursday this week.

Thank you.


Teresa said...

Your poems are always so wonderful. I love the first one for it's wonderful peek of Australia.

Cheryl D. said...

Great post! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Ocre is a beautiful color to paint with too :) Thanks for the great post!