Monday, June 28, 2010


A little blue boy in a big blue pool!
Is the water a mite too cool?
Is the step the place to be
While you look out and face an enormous sea?
Are you being urged to swim!
Your expression's rather grim!
Are you just a bit too small
To face the enormity of it all?
Water will one day be quite thrilling
But, just for now, you seem unwilling.


A woman carrying a duck arrived to see the Vet.
She was crying very salty tears for Cuddles was her pet.
'Doctor! Doctor!' she wept and wailed ' Tell me it's not true!
Tell me that Cuddles isn't dead! I don't know what to do!'
The vet put on his stethoscope and placed it on the bird,
But not the slightest beating of a little heart was heard.
'I'm very sorry, Madam' he very gently said
'I'm afraid I have to tell you that your little duck is dead.'
At this the woman went berserk; she loudly cried 'Boo-hoo!'
Refusing to believe that the words he said were true.
She began to question, she began to plead
'Get me a second opinion! That is what I need!'
'Certainly, Madam, if you wish. I'll see what I can do.
Although my diagnosis is quite definitely true.'
He rang a bell, a handler came, with a Labrador on a lead.
The woman, I can tell you, was very surprised indeed!
She was even more astounded when the dog leaped on the table
And began to sniff her little duck as fast as it was able.
It sniffed the head, it sniffed the tail, it even sniffed the feet.
No sniffing in the whole wide world was ever so complete.
It clambered down  and sadly shook its head from side to side,
Indicating that the duck, had, very surely, died.
After the dog a cat came in and clambered on the bed.
The woman was so speechless that not a word was said!
Again the duck was sniffed and sniffed, and even gently licked!
The woman wondered, as you would, what sort of vet she'd picked.
The handler took the cat away, and then, as you'd expect,
The vet soon gave her his account. She hoped it was correct.
Amazed she saw that she'd been charged five thousand dollars plus!
The vet said 'Twenty dollars is all that comes to us.
But I gave you what you wanted; I did my very best;
The Lab report and Cat scan accounted for the rest!'


~ Husitka ~ said...

Amazing! Lab report and Cat scan. :D

SmilingSally said...

That little guy would rather sit still and shoot his water gun.

Happy Blue Monday!

Marie said...

Wow!!! THAT´s what I call blue :-)

A 2 Z said...

Visiting from Blue Monday. Very blue, I mean very true. Loved your poem. Thanks for sharing.


Regina said...

So cute.
Happy Blue Monday. and a great week!

" Regina "

Kim, USA said...

Love that blue pool and that smile is adorable. happy Monday!


Lady Patchy said...

he iss so happy swimming with a water gun. Happy blue Monday

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

love your creative writing. Cute picture.Have a wonderful week and stop by for a visit when you get the time. Debbie

eileeninmd said...

The little one looks happy in the sea of blue. Great photo and post. Loved the story and poem! Happy Blue Monday!

Anonymous said...

Dropping in for Blue Monday.
What a cute little guy in that pretty blue tiled pool!
Loved the poem/story. ~Karen

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

blue in water...
what a perfect pool with blues in it.

Jim said...

Cute shot.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Lorac said...

Thats a wonderful pic of the little boy in the pool! Loved both poems too!

Lorac said...

Thats a wonderful pic of the little boy in the pool! Loved both poems too!