Monday, June 14, 2010

Out of the Blue


Romantic, yet scientific, the illustration above,
Showing a phenomenon almost as strange as love!
Noctilucent ........there's a word to get one's head around!
It's applied to clouds not near us, but way above the ground.
These clouds are up so very high (at least fifty miles or more);
They're up where only imaginations can ever really soar.
In the daylight they're invisible, also at dead of night,
So it's rarely that we ever see this very unusual sight.
But just as dusk is falling, and the earth is in the shade,
The sunlight hits these special clouds, briefly, and then they fade.
They're still something of a mystery, but won't you feel so proud
When you can point up in the sky and say
'See that noctilucent cloud!'


I wake up every morning with a dreadful sense of gloom
And I view the day as someone who is heading for the tomb!
Today, I'll surely break a leg or have a heart attack!
I'm certain, when I make the beds, I'll hurt my lower back!
Those stairs! They do look tricky! And I'm bound to take a fall!
Or I'll meet a home-invader! Yes, one's bound to make a call!
If I make a cup of coffee I'll be scalded, that's for sure!
And today's the day I'll trip up on that well-worn bit of floor.
A bus! One's bound to hit me, if I cross the city street!
And a mugger's sure to get me; it's a cinch that we will meet!
That tree-branch looks unsteady! Will it topple on my head?
Who knows, this time tomorrow I may be, untimely, dead!
My imagination pictures every peril known to man,
The world is full of obstacles and I'm an also-ran.
Life is full of trip-wires bound to trip up the unwary.
Let's face it! Life is very, very, very, very, scary!
But a pessimistic optimist (or should that be reversed?)
Who has struggled through each fearful day, escaping from the worst,
Earns a reward at bedtime.Then I snuggle in my bed,
Rejoicing that I've not been maimed! I'm not the least bit dead!
Then my spirit soars ecstatically to think I have survived!
That I've traveled through the mine-field and in one piece I've arrived.
I've looked Death in the eye and Death has cowered at my gaze.
I feel that 'Blessed of the Gods' is not an idle phrase.
I purr with my complacency, and my self-satisfaction.
Suddenly the coming day becomes the main attraction.
I pull the covers round me and I'm smiling as I say.
"I can't wait for tomorrow! Another lovely day!'


luna said...

Oh, I'd like to painting your first photo, so very romantic!
May I?
Happy BM!

Naquillity said...

noctilucent is a nice word to add to one's vocabulary.

each passing day brings us closer to death and the closer we get the more we ponder what could go wrong.

little children at play always brings a smile especially when they're in those jumping castles.

loved your 'Imps' poem. i think you got it right. all children no matter good or bad need attention.

have a great day.

SmilingSally said...

Morning, Brenda. Happy Blue Monday.

Shirley said...

Very interesting about the clouds! Beautiful picture. Love the Pessimistic Optimist!!!!

Anonymous said...

These photos are great! Mondays can be gloomy for me as well as some of the other days of the week!

Kim, USA said...

Out of the blue people got romantic under the moon. Happy Blue Monday!

Cake & Cupcakes

Pie said...

Your photos are amazing!

Happy Blue Monday.

Mine is here.

Teena said...

I just adore your poetry! I hope you don't mind me linking back to this from my blog. Happy Blue Monday <3 <3

eileeninmd said...

Amazing photo and a lovely poem! Happy Blue Monday! Thanks for visiting my blog, Eileen