Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lined Up.

Brenda Bryant


It's getting on my nerves,
Being devoid of curves!
As I sit here and wait
My life's completely straight!
Up and down they go!
Above and down below!
Across and on the slant.
Bless my Sainted Aunt!
Lines to left and right!
Low and at a height!
How I sigh and yearn
For shapes that curve and turn!
A circle, maybe two,
Would so improve my view.
A seat like me deserves
A lady with some curves!
I say, when girls pass by,
'Come on! Don't be shy!'
But lines are all I see.
Nothing but lines for me!


A sad tale tale of a seat in the park here:


Unknown said...

I liked that. My post for Saturday is a poem...but I'm not anywhere near as talented as you are!

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

W0nderful thought.thanks f0r sharing.

Lucy Corrander said...

What a bleak place.

Perhaps you should make posters of your poems and put them above the bench to cheer people who have to sit there and wait.


Mariana Soffer said...

Sorry this is a great poem but I am temted to do a joke:
Maybe you are looking at guys mainly

By the way I really like how you write

Robin said...

I like the contrast between the straight lines of the wall and the slanted lines of the shadows. Nice capture, and nice words to accompany it too.

Sylvia said...

A perfect bond between the image and the poetry! Extraordinary! Merry Christmas to you!

Margaret Gosden said...

A lovely monochrome and shadow shot! Perhaps (GeraldGee would like this one!) Its snowing deeply in Washington DC, by the way. So we're expecting some in NYC. And a white Krismus in London if it sticks. This in response to White-Out, your previous post.

Chie Wilks said...

sad a very wonderful poem although it is a sad poem for the bench...

great monochrome shot also

mine is here

Serendipity said...

I like the picture and poem combo!

Anonymous said...

The photo and poem go so well together. The photo would be perfect with a solitary person sitting on the end of the bench.

Samson said...

Nice Image

My Entry

Julie said...

The empty bench sits well as the centrepiece for your image, Brenda. Isn't it exciting when you find an image that you just know is going to work. This one is one of those, I suspect, what with the lines on the wall AND the reflections.

Tone said...

Great picture with a very creative and good poems

Nancy Bea Miller said...

Wonderful composition and I enjoyed the lively poem as well!

squirrel said...

I really enjoy your creativity.

Barbara said...

Good composition, I like the poem too.

Anonymous said...

Lovely poem, well suited to the image.
Seasons Greetings too....

Tash said...

Bless my Sainted Aunt! I'll remember this rhyme for a long continiuom of curved time :)
I remeber as a youngster likeing everything in straight lines and now more curves and some chaos are preferred.