Saturday, April 25, 2009


Dick Russell


My cousin sent me this beautiful spring photograph earlier in the year.
I thought I should share it with others.
These woods are near his home in the English Midlands.


Responding to my Spring Nostalgia,
Hoping to make it worse,
My cousin sent this scene of bluebells
So I respond in verse.
'Dear Richard, you are ever thoughtful,
(But that's a family trait)!
Thank you for this lovely photo.
Send more when it gets to May!'

Other blogs referring to my cousin Richard can be found here:


Margaret Gosden said...

Yesterday I had commented on the blog From the Desk of Bee Drunken on her picture of Bluebonnets, which reminded me, nostalgically, of Bluebells that I rarely see here, nor could I grow them successfully when I tried!

I always would walk to a particularly spot where I lived in the UK to be among them - a headland called Hengistbury Head, in Southborne, Bournemouth. We lived overlooking this rugged spot on the coast.

So, thank you, too, Richard, for the picture!

KB said...

Beautiful shot. Makes me want to kick of my shoes and run through the flowers.

Unknown said...

What a magnificent shot. A blogger friend sent me seeds from US, the bluebells and I have planting them for more than a month but they are not flowering yet.

Skebba said...

That is one gorgeous photo. I wish my backyard looked like that. Too dry though.
Happy weekend!

California Girl said...

what a beautiful color photo...the blue, the blue, the blue! in the woods, no less. I don't know if I've ever seen bluebells. I don't think they grow in NH although I could be wrong. I've never planted them so...? Have to get out the Audubon guide to flora.

Breeding Fancy Art Prints said...

So pretty! They're a reminder of the bluebonnets, the US Texas State official flower.

Sylvia K said...

Absolutely beautiful! I felt the same way as KB -- wanted to take off my shoes and run through the bluebells! Happy SSS!

gautami tripathy said...

Great photo and wonderful verse too!

watch the movie from the sidewalks

Winifred said...

That is such a gorgeous photo. I can almost smell them.

Patty said...

Beautiful photo and lovely short poem. Happy week-end.

Cuppa Jo said...

Wow, that's lovely.

The Explorer said...

it is like purple land below, nice shot

Bee said...

Nothing like a picture of Bluebell Woods to make England seem the most divine place!

Beautiful sunshine today, and we are about to visit Wisley for a satisfying day of flower sniffing and gazing.

Kat said...

A lovely picture and a matching verse.

Send more when it gets to May!'
it sounds suspicious... Generally, what happens in May?

Cindy said...

Lovely photograph!

Megan, Life Revamped said...


the most romantic photo I have ever seen!

I can imagine a pair lovers behind that tree over there! ohhh!

glad to be back for so long! Here's today's share of blue!

have a great week!

Sally said...

Thank you, Brenda, for sharing that beautiful picture and your lovely poem. You and Richard have a nice relationship. Happy Blue Monday.

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

Lovely poem to accompany this MARVELOUS photograph ... thanks for sharing both!
Hugs and blessings,

LV said...

A lovely field of blue bells. Thank you for sharing this great blue show.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a gorgeous photograph. Thanks so much for sharing the bluebells with us. Have a wonderful Blue Monday.

Carolyn Ford said...

Oh my! That is such a beautiful scene...very nicely captured too!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

That is an absolutely breathtaking shot. It makes me want to go walk in those woods and enjoy the bluebells. Love your poem, too.



Sheila :-)

black eyed susans kitchen said...

The bluebells are not native to the east coast on New Jersey. They are very beautiful though.

Lorie Shewbridge said...

Such lovely flowers... wish I could grow some in our horrible soil here in Florida, US. The only thing that grows well where we are is citrus and succulents. Those are so pretty, thank you (and Richard) for sharing.