Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Wine-Dark Sea

                                             Brenda Bryant


Maybe not quite 'My World'; it takes eight hours in a plane
To get to get from here to Perth, way in the West.
We went there on a holiday and we'll go there again,
For the trip was one we count among our best.
Rottnest Island, off the coast, is a place for holidays,
And the picture up above shows you the reason.
It's a lovely rocky outcrop full of crags and glorious bays
Perfect for fishing, never mind the season.
And the colour of the water almost took my breath away;
There was almost every shade of blue and green.
That's why I'm planning to repeat that delightful holiday,
And to savour, once again, this lovely scene.

More about Rottnest Island here:


Cheryl said... lucky you are! I would love to see such a sight.

Carolyn Ford said...

My absolute FAVORITE ocean colors! I say, if you were there, it was your world for awhile! And, I hope you can return to this amazing place again. I'll race you!!!

Johnny Nutcase said...

fantastic water colors, nice! Looks like there's a pretty good reef there...makes me want to go snorkeling!!


Absolutely beautiful! Blessings!

Megha said...

fantastic mix of colors

cat said...

That ocean looks amazing! Such beautiful colors :)

eileeninmd said...

Looks like a beautiful place for swimming and snorkeling!

Eden said...

It's stunning. Love to visit there one day. I have relatives in Perth but haven't visited them since I arrived here. I love the colour of the seawater.

Anonymous said...

It looks like it is well worth the long trip. Thanks for showing us.

Anonymous said...

I think I would enjoy a holiday there too!

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Really great place for holidays!!!!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Magical water colours! And love the rocky headland poking out into the sea!

Linnea said...

Wow! EIght hours by plane...awesome scene. I bet what's under the placid water is just as scenic. Lovely place for a vacation...makes me yearn for something warm and tropical!

Bill said...

It is well worth a trip across Oz to see WA. They too have great beaches and bays as you show in this photo.

life's journey said...

Wow the water is really beautiful...happy SS! Mine is up.