Thursday, February 25, 2010

Liquid Refreshment



I'm practically teetotal; I don't much care for wine,
But rich liqueurs are something that my palate finds divine.
To sip a tiny globule of fruit admixed with fire,
Is something, after dinner, that I constantly desire.
Almost like a syrup, but packing such a punch
I dare not imbibe too early ...... and never before lunch!
I love to sip and then to savour just the smallest drop,
Hoping it will last for ever and I'll never stop.
Maybe I'm just decadent, but the lady up above
Reminds me of the way I feel when I sip the drink I love.
I've never drunk her potion (never heard of it, in fact).
But I feel I should avoid it for I don't know how I'd act!
But give me Cherry Heering, Cointreau or Curacao
Grand Marnier or Baileys and all I say is 'Wow!'
I imagine that the lady in the orange dress, with yellow,
Is advertising something very sweet and rich and mellow.
It must contain sweet oranges, with lemon in the mix,
Plus something alcoholic to give the drink a fix.
No wonder she looks radiant and full of bonhomie.
If only I could take her place and be so wild and free!

Another view of alcohol here:


Blue said...

Another excellent take on TCT.
Although I enjoy wine, I share your love of liquers but could never express it so well.

Angie said...

Mmmmmm - could get very sloshed on a bottle of that! Nice one.