Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pylon Attack!

gave us the prompt illustration


I see him in the distance as he strides across the fields,
The Great Grey Pylon Monster, before whom nature yields!
We've strengthened our defences, with barriers of wire,
But we know that soon our future may be desperate and dire!
We thought that they were static, fastened deep into the ground!
We'd never heard of pylons that could actually move around!
Some poets mentioned 'striding' over hill and over dale,
But that was merely fanciful; it didn't make us quail.
But then, one night, they began to roar, for all that they were worth!
They dragged their iron-clad legs and feet from the fastnesses of earth!
They began to stride around the land in all reality!
Oh dear! I see him coming! And he's coming straight for me!

Inspired by Mad Kane


A fellow was hatching a plot
To explain what he saw in a blot.
He saw the moustache
Of that clever Rorschach
Who said 'A moustache it is not!'


Bubba said...

Such a fantastical tale derived from my M.M.P.P. Brenda! Thanks for playing!

Kathe W. said...

Brenda- you never cease to amaze me with your imagination and skill with words!