His life ran along parallel to mine and I shall miss him.
Your blue eyes smiled disarmingly
Down from the silver screen;
The bluest and most charming eyes
The world has ever seen.
You were sex-appeal personified,
Allied to a god-like grace.
This dumpy addict spent her time
Gazing at your face.
Yet all's not lost, you still inspire,
And we compensate ourselves
When we see you smiling down on us
From our supermarket shelves.
Fame, good-looks, great acting skill....
They were yours and they are gone,
But your efforts for the poor and weak
Will forever linger on.
RIP Paul
from another fan.
Bear((( )))
So well said. Paul Newman was the greatest! Adieu, Paul.
Ah, one of my first loves ... and a man who deserved to be admired. Hollywood needs more stars like this.
It's a shame you can't send that to his widow, I bet she would love it.
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