We journeyed down through France to Grasse.
Bare-legged, tanned and floppy-hatted
We came to fields all thickly-matted
With lavendar, sweet, aromatic,
And other flowers. We were ecstatic.
The perfumes, wafted on the breezes
Were full of everything that pleases.
Heat and sunshine, brilliant hues,
Things all English girls would choose.
Freed from grey skies, threatening rain,
We vowed not to go home again!
The Maritime Alps! Bliss in a name!
Life would never be the same.
We smelt herbs and precious spices
Due to be mixed in strange devices.
Cauldrons, ever on the boil,
Mingled spice and flower and oil.
Far below us lay the sea,
Clear, flat and blue, as sea should be,
Above us, reaching to the sky,
Were hills that watched the clouds go by.
Full of scent the summer air
Soaked our skin, our clothes, our hair.
The moments passed. Too soon we left.
I felt depressingly bereft.
But still the perfume hasn't faded,
Though years have made me dull and jaded.
Breathing deep, I smell it still,
And I know I always will.
Oh how charming! I can almost smell it with you!
So sweet! Love the poem and the picture! I want to go on a picnic now...
I'm reading this on the anniversary of 9/11. It's a refreshing reminder of all that is good about our world. Thanks.
Locked up in concrete jungles, just reading this poem is soooo refreshing..!!!
It gives inspiration to go out and travel... to enjoy nature's bounty.
Dear Brenda,
I loved this and please don't take this wrongly, while I was reading, Enid Blyton and Sound of Music came to mind, mainly because these were "My Favourite Things" growing up.
Essence of my childhood came to me - for that, Thank you Brenda!
Lovely, I so love lavender, to be near a field of it would be intoxicating! Well Done~
ovely poem. I love the way you've captured the European countryside. The smells of flowers and spices and the vibrancy they add always stay with you. Though we remember what we've seen, we remember what we've smelt more.
I love the way you've structured the poem. The verse has a flow to it.
Beautiful poem.
beautiful... and fragrant :))
A lovely nostalgic memory of childhood.........richly aromatic.
A nostalgic road back to the young days certainly brought back sweet memories.Yearnings for the carefree days of innocence. Thanks for sharing!
Amazing how certain smells can transport you back to childhood. I enjoyed the rhymes and rhythm in this poem very much
Beautiful memories made so much more poignant from childhood. I remember this place too and the distiliaries making herbs and perfume.
love the image you choose,
perfume, a sizzling name, amazing piece of poetry, your words are always stretching with strength,
Wow!! Super refreshing. Awesomely woven with what seems like an effortless ease.
The air kinda smelt sweeter whilst reading this piece of art!
Keep 'em coming!!
Memoirs of a Drunken Junkie
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