Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nelson Bay

(New South Wales)

Nelson put his spy-glass to his eye …… his good one.
One wouldn’t want to let a chance go by ….. well, would one?
‘They can keep their Nelson’s Column’ he was heard to say;
‘My top-of-the-range memorial is up at Nelson Bay’.

'I could wake up in the morning while the mist was on the sea.
I could go out on my balcony to sip a cup of tea.
I could watch the spouting whales among the billows far away’
That’s what Horatio would say.

'I could stroll down to the water, where the yachts are moored, perhaps.
Maybe pelicans would greet me and accept my proffered scraps.
While dolphins swimming near enjoyed a harbour holiday.'
That’s what Horatio would say

'I could wander down the jetty and enjoy a fishing chat.
I could take my silken hose off and discard my tricorn hat.
I could let my big brass buttons come undone in disarray.'
That’s what Horatio would say.

'I might dare to go hang-gliding and just drift around the sky.
Or read an old sea-faring book about that Captain Bligh.
And the petty little worries of the world would slip away.'
That’s what Horatio would say.

'If the sun became too hot I could seek out a patch of shade.
I could watch the passing people as I sipped a lemonade.
And if the postman brought me bills I’d throw them all away.'
That’s what Horatio would say.

'I could stroll down to the water as the moon began to shine.
I could sip a pleasant glass of that delicious Hunter wine.
And passers-by would greet me saying ‘Hi there mate! G’day!’'
That’s what Horatio would say.

I admit that the locality
Was unknown in reality.
He never got a single look,
Unlike that well-known Captain Cook.
He had to live his life, I fear,
Up in the Northern Hemisphere,
Never knowing, never guessing
How his name had blessed a blessing.


Kat said...

Hi Poem-Mate :-)

If an artist could paint a scene, how beautifully you can craft a poem and bring before our eyes the scenario...!!!

Loved this poem.

The Poet said...

Your poem felt very real. You certainly did a very good job with this.

anitamombanita said...

week after week you just keep cranking out these wonderful poems for all to enjoy! Terrific!!

debra said...

Amazing poem and visual ! Loved it!

VBR said...

Oh I just always enjoy reading your latest poem.

ImagesByCW | OceanDreamIllustration said...

Great poem, I enjoyed reading very much! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I love the flow of this poem. I read a bio of Cook at few years ago. What a life he lead!

Annesphamily said...

Excellent poem! I always share a smile or two when I stop by. The post is absolutely magnificent! Thank you for the share.

Cheryl D. said...

Great poem!

Jenny said...

Oh my heavens.

This was epic.

I love, love, loved this nifty poem.

And the view is spectacular.

This is going on my bucket list.

Absolutely amazing.
