Friday, August 1, 2008

80. What a Raquet!

With the Olympic Games looming I've been pondering the changes in society in the last 100 years! One of my Indian fellow-Bloggers complained that the ladies of his tennis-club were being criticised for wearing too little on the court. Someone wondered aloud if they would be better in saris! (Not sure how to spell that!) This reminded me of the fact that it wasn't so very long ago that European ladies had to keep to a strict dress code! Times have changed.

Recall the tennis gear of old on my Clickpicks Blog.


On the tennis court,
If skirts were short,
The moral-police would say
'Please stop the game!
It is a shame
For ladies to dress that way!'
Though lengthy skirts
And long-sleeved shirts
Impeded the flight of the ball,
Girls had to dress
Well, more or less,
Like ladies coming-to-call!
The men could stride
And leap and glide
With freedom, as they played,
But the ladies' wrath,
In those yards of cloth,
Made everyone dismayed.
Now freedom reigns!
They broke their chains!
And that's how it should be.
On the tenns court
And in every sport
A female should be free!


Bear Naked said...

Amen sister Amen!

Bear((( )))

Indrani said...

How much I agree with you, Brenda. Fine lines.

Kat said...

mmmmmm.... I'm that Complainant :))))

These days, I notice in foreign countries (in streets) men wear their shorts which extend below their knees and... (mmmkkm... clearing throat)womenfolk's shorts seem to be, above their knees..!!!!!